sshping | | Measure character-echo latency and bandwidth for ssh session |
sslh | | Multiplex ssl, ssh, and other connections on the same port |
ssmping | | Ping for Any- and Single-Source Multicast |
ssync | | Invoke rsync to distribute files to a set of hosts |
stagit-gopher | | Static git page generator for gopher |
statzone | | DNS zone file analyzer targeted at TLD zones |
stern | | Multi pod and container log tailing for Kubernetes |
stund | | STUN Client and Server |
sulley (V) | | pure-python fully automated and unattended fuzzing framework |
sup | | Network file distribution/synchronisation utility |
symon (V) | | System monitoring suite |
syncffsd | | FFS file system mirroring using rsync |
syncthing | | Keeps directories in sync across hosts |
syncthing-gtk | | GTK3 & Python based GUI for Syncthing |
synergy | | Let a user share a mouse and keyboard among computers |
sysmon | | Small and fast network monitoring tool |
tac_plus-libradius (V) | | Version of Cisco's tac_plus Tacacs server with RADIUS support |
tacacs | | Cisco authentication, authorization, and accounting protocol daemon |
tacacs-shrubbery | | Cisco AAA protocol (tacacs+) daemon (Shrubbery Networks version) |
taskserver | | Lightweight, secure server providing access to task data |
tcl-scotty | | Network management extensions to TCL |
tcpdmerge | | Merge two tcpdump output files |
tcpdpriv | | Anonymize tcpdump traces |
tcpdstat | | Analyze tcpdump output |
tcpdump | | Network monitoring tool |
tcpexec | | Minimal UCSPI inetd |
tcpflow | | Captures data transmitted as part of TCP connections |
tcpick | | Simple tcp sniffer with tcpdump-style rules |
tcpillust | | Graphical TCP connection analysis tool |
tcpreplay | | Replay saved tcpdump or snoop files |
tcpslice | | Tool for extracting portions of tcpdump's packet trace files |
tcptrace | | TCP dump file analysis tool |
tcptraceroute | | Traceroute implementation using TCP packets |
tcptraceroute6 | | Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets |
teamspeak (V) | | Talk to other people over the internet |
teamspeak-client | | Teamspeak group VoIP client |
teamspeak-server | | Teamspeak group VoIP server |
tektoncd-cli | | Command line client for interacting with Tekton components |
termscp | | Feature rich TUI file transfer and explorer |
terraform | | Infrastructure orchestration tool |
terraform-provider-archive | | Terraform archive provider |
terraform-provider-aws | | Terraform provider for Amazon Web Services |
terraform-provider-kubernetes | | Terraform provider for Kubernetes (K8S) |
terraform-provider-local | | Terraform provider for local resources |
terraform-provider-null | | Terraform provider for nothing |
terraform-provider-random | | Terraform provider for randomness |
terraform-provider-template | | Terraform template provider |
terraform-provider-vultr | | Terraform provider for Vultr |
thcrut (V) | | Gathers information from local and remote networks |
tigervnc | | High-performance, platform-neutral VNC client/server |
tightvnc | | Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays |
tightvncviewer | | Viewer for remote X and Win32 VNC servers |
tinc | | Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon |
tinydyndns | | Simple and powerful dynamic DNS solution |
tinydyndns-run | | Configures tinydyndns to serve and update records |
tinyfugue | | Popular programmable MUD client, with macro support and more |
tkined | | Graphical network discovery and monitoring tool based on scotty |
tlrc | | Tldr client written in Rust |
tn5250 | | Implementation of the IBM 5250 telnet protocol |
tnftp | | The enhanced FTP client in NetBSD |
tnftpd | | The NetBSD FTP Daemon |
tor | | Anonymizing overlay network for TCP |
tor-dev (V) | | Anonymizing overlay network for TCP |
torrentutils | | Manage BitTorrent files and interact with trackers |
torsocks | | Library to torify applications |
torsocks-git (V) | | Library to torify applications |
totd | | DNS proxy that supports IPv6 <==> IPv4 record translation |
traceroute-as | | Traceroute capable of reporting the AS number of hops |
traceroute-nanog | | Traceroute implementation with extended features |
trafshow | | Full screen visualization of the network traffic |
transmission | | Free, lightweight BitTorrent client |
transmission-common | | Free, lightweight BitTorrent client (shared files) |
transmission-gtk | | Free, lightweight BitTorrent client (GTK version) |
transmission-qt | | Free, lightweight BitTorrent client (QT version) |
trickle | | Portable lightweight userspace bandwidth shaper |
trippy | | Network diagnostic tool |
tsocks | | Transparent SOCKS proxying library |
tspc | | Tunnel Setup Protocol Client for Freenet6 |
ttt | | Tele Traffic Tapper |
tut | | TUI for Mastodon with shellout |
tvnjviewer | | JAVA VNC viewer |
twittering-mode | | Emacs client for twitter |
u6rd | | User-space 6rd (RFC 5569) implementation |
ucarp | | Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP) for Unix |
ucspi-ipc | | UCSPI local-domain client-server command-line tools |
ucspi-proxy | | Proxy between an UCSPI client and server |
ucspi-ssl | | Command-line tools for SSL client-server applications |
ucspi-tcp | | Command-line tools for building TCP client-server applications |
ucspi-tcp6 | | Command-line tools for building TCP client-server applications |
ucspi-tools | | SOCKS proxy and TLS support for UCSPI |
ucspi-udp | | Unix Client-Server interface utilities for UDP |
ucspi-unix | | UCSPI client and server for Unix domain sockets |
udns | | Lightweight DNS resolver supporting asynchronous queries |
udpcast | | Send data simultaneously to many destinations on a LAN |
udptunnel | | Tunnel UDP packets over a TCP connection |
uftp | | Encrypted multicast file transfer program |
unbound | | DNS resolver and recursive server |
unfs3 | | Userspace NFSv3 server |
unifi | | Provisioning software for network products made by Ubiquiti |
unison | | File-synchronization tool |